Home > Type 3 > Single-wheel Trailer

02Apr2007 -- Made it home.315 viewsTrailer parked at home.
295 viewsClose-up of the single-to-double hitch the previous owner made. I had to use a 1.25" to 2" adapter to pull it behind my Jetta. Was a little squirly even though I went no faster than 60mph. Definitely will be stable once I make a real hitch for my Squareback.
268 viewsThe top wooden box comes off the lower metal box. The wooden box has a door and the lower box has a drop-down tailgate.
335 viewsThe single-wheel. For those not familiar with this type of trailer, the wheel assembly is on a pivot, just like the front wheel on a shopping cart i.e. a castor (wheel). Since I backed the trailer in the driveway the castor is further under the trailer. When I pull the trailer forward, the castor will pivot 180-degrees, thus placing the castor further rearward. Learn more here:
283 viewsDetail of the left rear corner.
280 viewsOdd looking (original?) safety chain clip.
293 viewsDetail of the pivot assembly. Has a Zerk fitting so the pivot can be lubricated. Nice!
267 viewsHere I removed the upper wood box. I took two of the C-channel side braces that were used to hold the wood panels and with a little drilling, cutting, welding, and two polyurethane castor wheels, made them into removable legs that can be used to support and move the trailer for the time being.
256 viewsClose-up of the leg. The upper bolt screws into a nut I welded to the back of the C-channel. The bottom bolt passes all the way through and is loosely secured with a nut -- not really necessary, just used to keep the leg from wobbling forward and backward. Next time I think I'll make the legs flare out from the trailer some more to provide better stability as well as make them shorter so more weight is on them and not the rear tire. If I'm not careful I can put the trailer on one of its rear corners.
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