E-brake Braking system Emblems/Badges/Trim Turn signals Turn signals Headliner/Roof Headliner/Roof Headliner/Roof Tail lights Tail lights Rear bumpers Front bumper Engine Ignition switch Upholstery Upholstery Pedal cluster Front seats Front seats Back seats Back seats Seat rails Gasoline filler/Neck/Tank Rims Rims Tires Tires Transmission Shifter Axles/CV joints Starter assembly Clutch/Flywheel assembly Rear suspension system Rear suspension system Front suspension system Shock absorbers Shock absorbers Steering wheel Steering wheel assembly Dash pad Dash pad Windshield cleaning system Windshield cleaning system Windshield cleaning system Front and rear windows Vent wing windows Side glass windows Pop-out windows Fresh air system Fresh air system Fresh air system Gauges and radio Gauges and radio Gauges and radio Heating system Head lights Head lights Drum brakes Disc brakes

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This is by no means a complete guide to solving everyone's problems. At this time it is an FAQ more than anything. Those who use this are assumed to have at least one shop manual dedicated to the VW Type III (Bentley, Haynes or The Idiot's Guide but preferably all three) and can adjust their own valves, change their own oil and change their own brake pads/shoes.



Type 34 page

VW shop tools...for those who have the skills