The First Type III Invasion, 2002


498 viewsPer Lingren spent the week before and after the Invasion at my place. Unfortunately, I had to work during that time so I couldn't show our Norwegian Invasioner much of the area but I was able to have a couple of my friends take him out and show him around. Here he is raising the rear end of my baby in preparation for the Invasion.

483 viewsHere is Per trying an American beer while Tommy Fat Cheeks waits patiently for a cheek scratchin'.

Day 1: Friday455 viewsThe Oregon contingent lined up and ready to invade!


449 viewsPer gets a feel for driving my baby while Cindy and I exchange shots.

492 viewsJacob looses his autotranny flex plate just outside of Pendelton. Martin is kind enough to drive his Fasty and let the injured Square use the tow.

472 viewsAfter Jacob's Squareback whips itself and the truck towing it 180° and ends up off the side of the road. ODOT shows up to see what happened (and the police showed up a few minutes later).

470 viewsKen and I wait for the crew to unbolt the Square's CV joints and turn it around. It took them about two beers to finally get back on the road.

Day 2: Saturday454 viewsThe next day the "prom-queens" wash their rides at a children's car wash. The kids made out pretty good; we paid them $3 and we washed our own cars while they watched and asked a bunch of questions. Funny looking cars with their engine in the back can create quite a few.

464 viewsKeith Park talks about the front beam that got away Keith's tech session on front beams while Ken (seated with water bottle) panics more and more about his beam.

511 viewsBrooke's sweet ride.

484 viewsPhoto opportunity in Nyssa (caravan after day 1 show). 22 cars total!


Day 3: Sunday439 viewsCampsite for most of us.

467 viewsRaul taking full advantage of the sleeping space available in his Square.

443 viewsDarned squirrels partied last night and didn't clean up!

442 viewsMany volks were leaving this day in the afternoon. Here, Maddy helps Peter break camp.

524 viewsPer's favorite sign.

476 viewsEagle-eye Per spots a treasure behind the Chevron gas station…